Racing Wheels
Find your sim racing wheel
A Guide to the differences in Sim Racing Wheels!
A common question within sim racing whether you are a beginner or a pro is the differences between wheels on the market. The prices of many vary from the low end to the very high of the market and the price points of many can be alarming to some people, as what you get out of the wheel for the price can be a worry if you’re a beginner or someone who is not sure what to expect when upgrading. This blog will break down different wheels on the market from their price but also the mechanics behind the wheel to give a comprehensive view to help people decide on which wheel suits your needs.
Differences in Mechanics of different Wheels
Before going into the different wheels, it is important to understand the differences when people refer to some wheelbases as Direct Drive, Belt & Gear Driven.
Gear Driven Wheel
Gear-driven wheels work by having cogs attached to the small motors to amplify the torque that the main motor could not produce on its own, as not enough is generated to match the force feedback of that of their counterpart belt-driven wheels. The main disadvantage of this caused due to the cogs being heavy and clunky causing them to grind, in turn causing spikes in the torque resulting in the force feedback of the wheel feeling lighter in some split-second moments during heavy force feedback. However, due to the low costs of the small motors means that gear-driven wheels are mostly lower in price and towards the bottom of the market regarding cost.
Belt Driven Wheel
Belt-driven wheels work by a belt, which powers the motor to deliver force feedback to the wheel rim. This is done by creating a pulley system, which increases the torque being produced making the force feedback stronger even though not that much is required. One of the main disadvantages is that since the strength of the force feedback is increased to such an extent by boosting the motor, the feeling of the wheel can become diluted becoming less accurate. Belt-driven wheels are more often smoother than Gear Driven Wheels and do not spike due to grinding cogs, however, the smoothness comes from the belt absorbing the force feedback meaning the higher frequency areas of the force feedback are lost meaning the intended force feedback is not as intended from the sim.
Direct Drive Wheel
Direct drive wheels work by the motor on the shaft is directly attached to the wheel rim. This means there is no delay given in the force feedback due to the larger motor, offering more consistency in driving, and making things such as understeer a lot easier to correct as the fidelity of the bases offers unparalleled realism, which can be given by manipulating the information given by the wheel. The dynamic range in FFB fidelity means that you can adjust the FFB you get to the wheel without removing any from the game. For example, adding dampening or adjusting filtering to remove any graininess. Doing this on wheels such as belt-driven will drain other areas such as the rotational speed of the wheel. This enables the speed of the rotation to keep perfectly aligned with that of the sim, unlike that of a Belt or Gear-based wheel.
Market Options & Price Ranges
PXN V9 Pro Gamepad Racing Wheel
Price: £180
FFB Type: None
Additional Information: Comes with stick shifter along with 3 pedal set.
The PXN V9 is relatively new to the market after coming in mid-2021. Overall, the wheel is a solid buy if you are looking to play titles such as EuroTruck Simulator, due to the titled angle of the wheelbase and the addition of the stick shifter and 3 pedal set as it gives the sensation for any title in that field. The biggest draw backs of the wheelbase are its non-existent force feedback and titled wheel angle, which makes clamping the wheel trickier than it already is but with the titled angle the wheel rim as it is makes playing games Assetto Corsa & F1 almost impossible. As well with most wheels they are plug and play, but the PXN requires most of the time manual assignment of the controls within most titles. Overall, the wheel is good a good buy a beginner but with the £180 being paid for no force feedback when you can get cheaper wheels, for the same price of the second-hand market makes it a huge area to consider when buying a wheel.
Places to Buy From:

£100 - £180

Thrustmaster Ferrari Spider Racing Wheel
Price: £100
FFB Type: None
Additional Information: Comes with 2 plastic pedal set.
Thrustmaster have been more than often the go-to manufacturer for people buying their first wheels. Wheels like the Ferrari Spider racing wheel are that in a long line of wheels developed for people, who tend to go to the supermarket or online and buy a cheap wheel for around £100 or less. The wheel comes with the kit you need to start racing and to give you your first experience within most titles, as the setup is mostly plug and play. For the price it is not surprising that there is no force feedback within the wheel, but the biggest downside to the wheel is the plastic pedals as unless you have them secured in anyway most of the time if either pedal is pressed the pedals will slide vigorously, as whereas the PXN V9 are weighted enough to not move as much when there is application on a pedal. Overall, the wheel is a good purchase for the price and for what you get if you want to start to experience the basics of racing.
Places to Buy From:
Thrustmaster T150
Price: £180
FFB Type: Belt Driven
Additional Information: Comes with 2 plastic pedal set.
The Thrustmaster T150 is one of the most popular purchases for people looking for their first wheel with force feedback. The wheel comes with force feedback and is belt-driven unlike the other wheels in the category, but it comes with the ability to customize the rotation of the wheel to various degrees in game from its maximum of 1080 degrees to suit the driver. The wheel is plug-and-play with most titles and is easy to mount. There are very few downsides to the wheel, one being the size of the rim not matching that of a standard car and the pedal set being the same plastic ones as the Ferrari Spider wheel, however, these can be easily changed but at an extra cost in, which one is better off upgrading to the T300.
Places to Buy From:

In this price range most wheelbases lack force feedback, however they compensate with other additions such as the types of pedals and stick shifters. Depending on the type of experience you want then there’s plenty of options selected above.
For the best all round experience the T150 offers the most immersive force feedback and compatibility with most racing titles. While the size of the rim is smaller than that of normal car rims, this is usual for wheelbases in this price range and that the rims at not interchangeable.
£180 - £295

Logitech G923
Price: £290
FFB Type: Gear
Additional Information: Comes with a 3-pedal set with compressive spring and adjustable pedal plates. Shifter is an extra £20 to £30 if bought separately or as a bundle. G29 shifter and pedals are still compatible with G923.
The Logitech G923 is the updated version of the G29. The wheel is gear driven like its predecessor, but there are a few minor differences as the G29 was such a strong overall wheel that there was not that much need for major change. These include things like the wheel being direct plug in and play & also one or two changes to the button layout. The clamping mechanism remains the same as it uses the hatching system that is very durable, but after a vigorous use it can be prone to the legs on the clamp breaking. Replacements can be made by using stronger materials using 3D printing and is more efficient than directly contacting Logitech directly about a replacement wheel clamp. One major advantage of the G923 is that it offers cable routing and eliminates the number of dangling cables that can be a common issue for sim racers. Unlike the G29 the G923 incorporates a feature called TrueForce, which connects directly to the games data and offers more realistic FFB for the wheel, but one major factor is the audio conveyance that picks up the feel of the surface you are racing on and gives the player a better sensation in comparison to other wheels. Another new feature within TrueForce is the Closed Loop Motor Control, which allows the G923 voltage output to match that of the game’s physics. This in turn has developed the sensations of a gear-based wheel in the Logitech range and made on overall upgrade of the G29 and G920. The 3 pedal set that most often comes with Logitech wheels, has stuck to the same pedal configuration but sees improvements in things such as the brake pedal allowing for more precise breaking from the travel of the pedal compared to that of older medals, allowing for easier muscle memory build up over time. The only hindrance is out the G923 is that TureForce while is a game changer for the Logitech range is not compatible at the time with a wide range of titles and legacy games will not be able to make use of TrueForce instead using the gearing used in a lot of Logitech models.
Places to Buy From:

Thrustmaster T300RS
Price: £280
FFB Type: Gear
Additional Information: Comes with a 2-plastic pedal set with metal pedal plates.
The Thrustmaster T300 like the T150 is one of the most popular wheels at this price. What gives it a major advantage over other wheels, is the wheel rim being interchangeable with a supported ecosystem that allows for different variations of rims such as GT3 and Formula 1. With this Thrustmaster has developed a 2012 Ferrari F1 rim based on the car, but more recently bought out an up-to-date model based upon the 2021 Ferrari F1 car with many upgrades such as an LCD screen with multiple options. The wheel is belt-driven and comes with the standard plastic pedals, however, the upgraded model with metal pedal plates, which provide more weight when breaking. The wheel is great for the price however there are a few downsides to the wheelbase. When used for a prolonged period and in heat the motor can sound like a jet engine and in some cases burnout, this also, in turn, makes the FFB of the wheel light after use sometimes however this is made up in the quality of the FFB delivered from the belt system. The standard 2-piece pedals can like the plastic ones of the T150, struggle under the weight of breaking however this is not as apparent on the T300’s, but a small upgrade to the T3PA can fix this issue and the cost is also not too much but is worth in terms of the overall quality of the wheelbase and pedals.
Places to Buy From:
Thrustmaster TMX Standard/Pro FFB
Price: £199 & £250
FFB Type: Gear
Additional Information: Standard comes with 2 plastic pedal set, while Pro comes with 3 metal pedal set.
The Thrustmaster TMX has been around for the past few years and is the alternate version of the T150 with it being the Xbox & PC version compared to the T150 which is for PS & PC. There are a few minor differences in the button layout and cosmetics of the wheel, however, the biggest is the FFB system the wheel incorporates. It takes a blend of both gear and belt-driven systems of both the T150 & G29 to create a stronger FFB sensation than that of its predecessors. With a lot of other wheels, it shares a lot of characteristics with those in the ecosystem however a major upside to the TMX is that it can be hard-mounted to a rig with a mod to the clamping system that allows it to both hard & desk mounted. The mounting mod can be found here at ‘Thrustmaster TMX & T150 Hard Mount Adapter | Ricmotech’. On the Thrustmaster website, it lists two versions of the wheel the standard and pro force feedback. The only differences are that the pro force feedback comes with the T3PA pedals, which can already be bought separately on the website but come at a discount price with the wheel. There are no upgrades to the force feedback system of the wheel itself however it is just a bit of useful information for people who are new to looking at wheels.
Places to Buy From:

Overall, in this category there are a lot of good wheels to choose from. Dependent on what kit you are after then both the G29 and T300RS are the best options. The G29 is a very strong wheel overall and comes with a wider bundle initially with the 3 pedal set and stick shifter, however, does not come with any option to change the rim on the base like the T300 and as well with it being gear driven. The T300 comes with a bigger eco system, even though on initial purchase the pedals are not as good as the G29 they can be upgraded as mentioned to the T3PA's that come with the adjustable brake mod and is as well belt driven.
£295 - £600

Fanatec CSL Elite
Price: *Varies as the product is now discontinued. *
Base: £280-£320
Pedals: £60-£90 & £110-£140 with loadcell pedal.
FFB Type: Belt
Additional Information: Standard comes with a 2-pedal set and rim if purchased.
The Fanatec CSL Elite is one of the most well-known and reliable wheels on the market. Since its initial release in 2017, it has gone from strength to strength in setting the standard for wheels at its price point as the overall best value for money package for anyone wanting something as close as possible to a direct-drive wheel, without having to shell out the cash before the CSL DD came along. What makes it popular amongst people is its durability but also overall performance and tuning ability as unlike some wheels it still retains its high level of performance in different game titles. Its tuning capabilities allow it to be adjusted like wheels like the Logitech and Thrustmaster, however, what sets it apart is its little extras such as being able to change wheel settings during races and the ability to select different profiles that have been customized beforehand. The options to customize the wheel settings are made simple so that it does not require too much tweaking to get the overall feeling that someone desires but adjusted enough to be noticeable from each setting tweaked. While the wheel is belt driven it still extracts enough performance to be on the levels of a direct drive wheelbase, this is helped by its combination with its pedal set which can be customized unlike a lot of other pedal sets however this shall be talked about more in a further article on pedals. There are a few downsides to the wheel however they are only minimal. Since the introduction of the CSL DD in 2021 giving a direct drive wheel that is in the same price range as the CSL Elite, Fanatec has discontinued production of the wheelbase meaning only second-hand sales can be bought now. The wheel also has a tendency not to work on the Xbox One and is better suited to PC and Playstation. Finally, the wheel sometimes when set to detect automatic wheel rotations in games can sometimes be inaccurate of what the car’s wheel rotation is, however, this can be both a mix of the wheel and the game’s fault.
Places to Buy From:
Fanatec CSL DD Pro
Base: £499
FFB Type: Direct Drive
Additional Information: Pedals and Wheel Rim come with bundles on offer or can be purchased via the website under the configure your setup option as separate options.
The Fanatec CSL DD Pro is a part of the new line of recently released direct drive wheels from Fanatec that have been an industry changer in bridging the price gap between direct drive wheels over £1000 and wheels that are still considered to be expensive for the average consumer. The DD Pro is the upgraded version of the CSL DD and unlike its counterpart comes with compatibility on all consoles that are considered to be next generation like the PS5 & Xbox Series X. Even though the wheel has been out since the fall of 2021 it has been out enough on the market for people to test and so far, has been a great replacement for the belt-driven CSL Elite. The performance of the wheel entails all of what you expect from a direct drive wheel and offers smooth FFB that can be felt, however as stated in many reviews since it first came out in late 2021 the 5NM power supply that originally comes with the wheelbase while is ample and does the job however to unlock the full potential of the wheel the 8NM would need to be purchased separately usually for around £120. Since the start of 2022 though Fanatec has started to include the 8NM with the wheelbases separately instead of being in a bundle like when the wheel was first released. Even though having the 8NM meter power supply unlocks the potential performance of the wheel, in comparison to direct drive that is over the £1000 threshold wheels such as the DD1/2 & Simucube’s operate with around 17-25NM of torque which is the usual standard for wheels at the price range but as well vary on the manufacturer. If you’re after a wheel that delivers the performance of a direct drive and want to experience one even if you don’t have the money for one, the CSL DD Pro offers this unlike any other wheel on the current market and is well worth the investment.
Places to Buy From:

Moza R9 Direct Drive
Base: £399
FFB Type: Direct Drive
Rim & Pedals: £420 each.
Additional Information: Pedals and Wheel Rims can be bought separately or as a bundle. There is only 2-wheel rims available and one pedal set all costing £420 each excluding VAT.
The Moza R9 DD wheelbase is a brand-new release into the sim racing market. Being compared mostly to the CSL DD due to the characteristics of the wheel and its closest competitor in this category. Moza is still in its infancy in developing sim racing gear, having been around since 2012 mostly specializing in camera and gimbal stabilizers while still developing sim racing technology it is really their first release of wheelbases into the market. However, this does not mean that it stops them from making a great alternate option for people who may be mulling over whether to play the safe option with bigger companies such as Fanatec or Thrustmaster when it comes to purchasing their next wheel as there are some advantages that are offered by Moza that make the R9 worth the investment.
The performance of the wheel is an overall very promising for a first attempt, the R9 outputs 9NM of torque straight out the base and this can be felt in the wheel while not being as precise as the detail that the CSL DD offers but does not require an external boost kit that is required to boost the CSL DD from 5NM to 8NM. Even though the CSL DD Pro now includes the 8NM kit in its wheelbase purchases it still saves £100 when purchasing the wheelbase. The base is made from aluminum and is considerably lighter and smaller in size than a lot of other wheels at the same price point and comes in black or white. As mentioned, the overall performance of the wheel is less precise than the CSL DD, but the overall FFB outputted still makes up for its value of it in comparison to having to purchase the boost the kit for the CSL DD. The quick-release system is unique as it is quick and efficient only requiring the wheel to be clicked, unlike others that have far more complex methods to attach rims. There are two rims that are available to purchase one being an F1 style rim and the other GT3 available at this moment in time, while this means in terms of a parts eco-system Moza cannot compete with Fanatec it does not mean in the future they might not be capable of doing so. The software used to customize the wheel is simple and quick to use and can be tuned via the phone app as well, but what makes it unique is in little features such as the phone app and the ability to customize wheel LED’s.
There are a few other perks that are not directly related to the wheelbase itself but as a customer, another aspect, such as shipping is just as important as Moza will ship the wheel all over the world as whereas Fanatec does not serve certain regions such as South America & Asia.
There are only a few drawbacks, but this is mostly down to the company still being relatively new in the business. The wheel does not have side mounting and only desk mounting which can be done either hard or with the clamp. The wheelbase is only compatible on PC for now however there is an adapter linked here that enables it to work on both PlayStation & Xbox Brook Raslution - Brook Gaming (
Places to Buy From:
CAMMUS eSports Racing Simulator Base DD 15NM
Base: £399 (on its own), £560 (with wheel rim included).
FFB Type: Direct Drive
Pedals: £240 each.
Additional Information: Wheelbase can be purchased separately or with rim attached, however the rim cannot be purchased separately. Pedals can be purchased separately.
Another relatively new company this time from China, Cammus’s background originally comes in the form of developing R & D for car electronics as well as developing their own supercar the Cammus Titan and being involved in all-electric go-kart projects.
The wheelbase is the first sim racing product Cammus has developed and like Moza is looking to get a firm hand in the market. For a first attempt at making a wheel, it is decent, the 15NM torque outputted which is down put from 17NM for reliability purposes puts it on par with wheels such as the Fanatec DD1/2 & Simucube’s which for a wheel at this price point there is no other unless you are willing to spend over £1000. For the wheel though there are a lot of good points about it and other parts that are unique. The wheelbase has a lot of ports compared to that of brands allowing for extras such as hand brakes etc. to be added with no extra issue. One of the highlights of the design compared to other wheelbases at the price point is its quick release systems, which allow for extensive customization as the quick release works any 70mm pattern and aftermarket wheel rims. This is a huge advantage of Fanatec for example as in their eco-system you are limited to only their products. The quick-release is very efficient like the Moza R9 and just clips off and can be customized like the wheel rims with different options on the aftermarket. The overall FFB is great and the use of the 15NM torque is put to good use even though it is not as strong as other bases at higher price points. However, the biggest downside is the finer details such as bumps are not as noticeable unlike in the CSL DD. The wheel does come with a tuning app like most other wheels however is basic in nature but can also be connected via a phone app that can also adjust the settings of the wheel. A major upside is through the customer support for Cammus is quick at responding so any issues and advice usually don’t take an age for a response.
As with the other wheelbases in this section, there is a few drawbacks or areas that could be improved. The Cammus wheel rim only has one design and is quite large compared to other brands’ rim circumference. This in turn is not helped by the small sizes of both the center panel and the small shifter sizes that make for people with smaller hand sizes a slight challenge to feel comfortable using the wheel. The buttons are cheap in design and only light up when pressed, however, the arrangement of them on the wheelbase itself makes use of the interchangeable rims. This hinders people who would rather have buttons on the wheel, but this option allows rim interchangeability without having to worry about reconfiguring button selection. The quick-release has a slight knock when driving however this was only present in one review so maybe a defect with the one part. Finally, like the Moza due to the wheel being in its infancy the game compatibility does not have a large eco-system, however in some games like AC & Dirt Rally 2 the FFB will work fully but in others shall not be recognized at all so the wheel loses a lot of its performance, and the base is only PC compatible.
Places to Buy From:

At this price point, this is the most common area where people purchase wheels due to it being the mid-point of the market between beginner and higher-end direct drive wheels and covers the most diverse range of products available in bridging the gaps between areas. While the Moza & Cammus are both great new products they still need a little more time to develop their Ecosystems for both companies but if you’re looking to go for a product with potential then both are good options, but the Moza R9 looks set to be the one to go up against the Fanatec CSD DD. The CSL DD Pro is the best overall option as its performance across all games keeps up and has the biggest ecosystem, which is easier for first-time users looking to customize their rigs.
£600 - +

Fanatec Podium DD1 & DD2
Base: DD1 £1025 & DD2 £1280
FFB Type: Direct Drive
Additional Information: Pedals and Wheel Rim come with bundles on offer or can be purchased via the website under the configure your setup option as separate options.
The Podium DD1 & DD2 are the highest offerings in Fanatec’s catalog of wheelbases. Both models were launched at the same time in December 2018 but with a few minor differences. The main difference between both wheelbases is the torque produced, even though the quality of FFB outputted is the same the torque for both wheelbases is slightly different.
The DD1 has a maximum of 20NM and a useable amount of 15NM as whereas the DD2 has a maximum of 25NM and a useable amount of 18NM. While the DD2 has that 5NM of extra torque it has been open to debate amongst users of the podium base whether there is any benefit to having that extra torque due to most cars sometimes exceeding 40NM of torque and as well if the increased usage will reduce the wheels life capacity. In the end, it comes down to user preference, and paying the extra £200 pounds will benefit the buyer’s needs.
Another consideration is the kill switch configuration of both bases. The DD1 does not come with a kill switch so one would need to be purchased from the Fanatec store or a DIY version would need to be used. The DD2, on the other hand, has its own built-in kill switch so the external one is not required. The build quality of both the wheelbases is the same shape and has the same OLED 2.7” with a 256x64 resolution screen on the front of the wheelbase. The only minor differences are that the DD1 comes with an aluminum finish while the DD2 comes with a carbon fiber finish and that the DD2 comes with slightly different electronics and faster acceleration.
Another thing to consider is the warranty of the wheels when selecting one as the DD1 comes with a 3-year warranty while the DD2 comes with a 5-year one. There are a few customizable options with the quick release system that can be purchased from websites like eBay.
Places to Buy From:
Simucube Direct Drive
Base: 2 Sport £1060, 2 Pro DDS £1255 & 2 Ultimate £2710
FFB Type: Direct Drive
Additional Information: Pedals and Wheel Rim have to be purchased separately, however special bundles are available.
Simucube offers a wide range of direct drive wheelbases on the market and currently is on the 2nd generation of hardware offered out by Finnish-based company Granite Devices. There are 3 bases in the 2nd generation all at various prices as shown above but we shall break down each wheel’s characteristics and traits, so it gives you a clearer idea of which one is best suited to your needs.
The sport is the cheapest wheelbase in the 2nd generation lineup however even if it is slightly cheaper it still holds up as good as any other direct drive wheel on the market. The design of the wheel is fully machined metal with beveled corner finishing compared to a lot of other wheels that are not. Unlike Fanatec and other companies, Simucube wheelbases come with both wired and wireless connections, the wireless connection from user feedback works without any latency issues however there is not that much information surrounding the wireless system on the internet. The base itself comes with a peak of 17NM in total but usually around 15NM of that being useable compared to the Fanatec DD1 the Sport 2 can hold its peak without consistently having to reduce its torque to stop potential overheating while maintaining its smoother and responsive overall feel.
The other two wheels bases the Pro & Ultimate are the upgraded models of the Sport and come with a few upgraded parts, with the Pro’s torque coming in at 25NM and the Ultimate at 32NM of peak torque. A specification breakdown of differences between all the bases can be found here if you wish to find out more information Simucube SC2 Sport Review By Laurence Dusoswa - Bsimracing. The most notable differences being the torque and acceleration in all of the bases across the range.
Like the Fanatec DD2 the Simucube 2 bases all come with the following:
Power Supply
Stop Button
Simucube Quick Release& Locking Pin
Some of the advantages of the bases include not being prone to USB connection interference due to the isolation layer between the USB & power electronics meaning that any spike from the PC is protected. To go with this all connections on the back of the base are ESD protected. The high precision of the direct drive means that barely any dust collection occurs on the wheelbase, and this is also helped by the metallic design of the wheelbase covering all potential areas that may be susceptible to dust. If there is any build-up on the outside of the wheel using vacuums will not affect the cosmetics of the wheel thanks to the metallic build but also the design of the base itself makes it easier to access and clean. The wheel itself is also very quiet and does not produce a lot of heat meaning it consumes less power, even if it’s not by that much compared to the Fanatec DD range. As well the bases are not bound to one ecosystem with rims, so 3rd party ones can be purchased from companies such as Cube Controls as well as different quick releases to work with the bases.
There are a few disadvantages to the 2nd generation lineup however most of these are very minor and come down to differences between it and other wheelbases on the market. The mounting options are very limited as you can only forward mount, whereas Fanatec for example allows both side and bottom mounting. The price of the rims offered by both Simucbe and other 3rd party sources can sometimes be expensive in comparison to other companies Fanatec in terms of what you get with the rim, as with Fanatec lower end rims come with LED rev indicators as whereas even low-end 3rd party wheels for the Simucube do not most of the time. An example of this can be seen in the Fanatec Clubsport v2.5 which comes with LED’s & magnetic shifters for £335, as whereas the Formula Sport Wheel for the Simucube costs £605 and offers no LEDs at all on the rim. 3rd party static dashes like the SimCore UD1-J can be purchased and mounted to the wheelbase, whilst the layout and cosmetics of the display can be customized to the user’s liking. As mentioned though while the price difference might be seen as substantial, it is down to personal preference mostly on the needs of what you want from your setup. The performance between games on the Simucube in comparison to the Fanatec has the better overall performance in games, however when compared to titles like iRacing, ACC & rFractor 2 the Simucube works best but in titles that are considered Simcade like F1, Dirt Rally & Forza the Fanatec works overall as the best consistent performance across a variety of titles.
Places to Buy From:

Depending on the needs of what you need for your setup and the titles you play will be the biggest considerations in choosing the base for your needs. If you’re after a better all-around wheel to work across multiple titles and are on a bit on a budget, then the Fanatec DD is the best choice. If you’re looking for a wider range of customizability and 3rd party accessories and better performance in Simulator titles rather than Simcade ones then the Simucube is the way to go.